Our Story


Our journey began with just one person and a camera, capturing captivating images and music videos for local talent, all for the love of creativity. As we ventured into this exciting world, we built strong relationships with fellow creatives who share the same dream – to make our lives centered around music!

t WATERMELON MEDIA, our vision is to create a dynamic platform where artists and creatives can collaborate seamlessly. Our mission is to shine a spotlight on the immense talent of all the artists we work with because we believe that hard work deserves recognition.

ting from scratch during challenging lockdown times, we have experienced tremendous growth and progress. Along the way, we've had the pleasure of connecting with inspiring creatives who have enriched our journey. Together, we are determined to elevate each other and collectively reach new heights.

e are thrilled to announce that we are now working with a top-notch recording studio, partnering with some of the finest producers in the area. This collaboration allows us to deliver exceptional music experiences and take our projects to the next level of professionalism and artistry.

s we continue to evolve, we have an exciting plan in store – a podcast! Within the next year, we aim to bring you engaging conversations, insights, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the creative world.

ay tuned for more updates, as we can't wait to share this incredible journey with you. At WATERMELON MEDIA, our passion drives us, and we're dedicated to creating a thriving community where talent, creativity, and collaboration flourish. Thank you for being a part of this adventure with us!