Vocal Booth Recording

from £65.00

Welcome to Our Professional Vocal Booth Studio

Excellence in Recording, Mixing, and Mastering

Studio time comes with a basic mix. We do offer Mixing and Mastering services as an added extra. Please check out our services store for all mixing and mastering prices.

Expertise and Experience

  • Over 20 years of expertise in the music industry with experienced producers.

  • Top-notch studio time bookings for artists and musicians.

A Clean and Focused Environment

  • Smoke-free studio to maintain a clean and healthy space for clients and equipment.

  • Eliminate distractions, ensuring the focus remains solely on creating outstanding music.

Customized Services

  • Differentiation between studio time, mixing, and mastering services.

  • Studio time bookings cover recording sessions with state-of-the-art equipment.

In-House Mixing and Mastering

  • Option for clients to have their sessions mixed and mastered in-house.

  • Note that the cost of on-site mixing and mastering may differ from sending tracks off for post-production.

Support for All Artists

  • Whether seasoned or starting their musical journey, our team provides dedicated support and technical expertise.

  • Bring your unique vision to life with our professional assistance.

Book Your Studio Time Today

  • Studio team ready to help you create something extraordinary.

  • Take advantage of decades of industry knowledge in your music production journey.

Flexible Recording Options

  • Producer may take projects away for finishing mixing if needed.

  • 2-4 Hours maximum for 2 songs per session.

  • 6-8 Hours maximum for 3 songs per session.

Additional Song Requests

  • After reaching the maximum songs per session, artists requesting more songs will incur an additional track charge of £80 per song.

Join Us for an Unforgettable Recording Experience

  • Discover the difference our studio can make in your music.

  • Book your studio time with us today and let's create something remarkable together.


Welcome to Our Professional Vocal Booth Studio

Excellence in Recording, Mixing, and Mastering

Studio time comes with a basic mix. We do offer Mixing and Mastering services as an added extra. Please check out our services store for all mixing and mastering prices.

Expertise and Experience

  • Over 20 years of expertise in the music industry with experienced producers.

  • Top-notch studio time bookings for artists and musicians.

A Clean and Focused Environment

  • Smoke-free studio to maintain a clean and healthy space for clients and equipment.

  • Eliminate distractions, ensuring the focus remains solely on creating outstanding music.

Customized Services

  • Differentiation between studio time, mixing, and mastering services.

  • Studio time bookings cover recording sessions with state-of-the-art equipment.

In-House Mixing and Mastering

  • Option for clients to have their sessions mixed and mastered in-house.

  • Note that the cost of on-site mixing and mastering may differ from sending tracks off for post-production.

Support for All Artists

  • Whether seasoned or starting their musical journey, our team provides dedicated support and technical expertise.

  • Bring your unique vision to life with our professional assistance.

Book Your Studio Time Today

  • Studio team ready to help you create something extraordinary.

  • Take advantage of decades of industry knowledge in your music production journey.

Flexible Recording Options

  • Producer may take projects away for finishing mixing if needed.

  • 2-4 Hours maximum for 2 songs per session.

  • 6-8 Hours maximum for 3 songs per session.

Additional Song Requests

  • After reaching the maximum songs per session, artists requesting more songs will incur an additional track charge of £80 per song.

Join Us for an Unforgettable Recording Experience

  • Discover the difference our studio can make in your music.

  • Book your studio time with us today and let's create something remarkable together.